Linked Issues Condition & Validator
How to setup Linked Issues Condition and Linked Issues Validator
Last updated
How to setup Linked Issues Condition and Linked Issues Validator
Last updated
Both Linked Issues Condition and Linked Issues Validator help ensure that related issues (linked issues, sub-tasks, stories, children or parent) are in the right state before allowing a transition to proceed. If they’re not, the transition is blocked. Simple as that!
Reminder: A Condition hides the transition if criteria aren’t met, while a Validator allows the transition button to be clicked but blocks it after submission if requirements fail.
If you're looking for how to add a condition or validator to a workflow transition, check out our Setup Conditions and Validators.
Pick what kind of issue relationship you want to check:
Linked Issues – Regular issue links like "blocks" or "relates to."
Sub-Tasks – Checks the issue’s sub-tasks.
Stories – Validates an Epic’s child issues (excluding sub-tasks).
Children – Checks both child issues and sub-tasks. Works when you’ve set up multiple hierarchy levels.
Parent – Validates the parent issue.
If using Linked Issues, you can filter by specific link types. Links have a name and direction (e.g., "relates to" might have incoming and outgoing links).
If left empty, all linked issues will be validated.
Only need to check specific issue types? No problem—just set a filter! Great for:
Only certain issue types need to be completed before transitioning.
You want to enforce having a child of a specific issue type.
Leave empty to validate all related issues
Checks if at least one issue exists that matches the selected relation (and previous filters). If not, the validator fails.
Best Practice: Use Status Categories instead of specific statuses to check if related issues are completed.
Why? Status names can change over time, but categories (To Do, In Progress, Done) stay consistent.
Example: Instead of checking for "Resolved," check if the issue is in the "Done" category.
This setting allows you to customize the validation message instead of using the default one generated based on your selected settings. You can also use Jira expression syntax to make it more dynamic.
Learn more about writing validation messages