Fields Required Validator

The classic "Field Required Validator", available out-of-the-box in Jira, ensures that fields are not empty during a transition, including Create issue transition. However, this means it only works when a transition screen is present.

For example, if an attachment is required before moving to the next status and you added an attachment on the Issue View, then tried to change the status, the classic validator will ignore the previously attached file and expect a new file to be added during the transition. Without a transition screen that includes the Attachment field, the classic validator will block the transition.

You have two options: either add a screen with the Attachment field to your transition, or—if that’s not ideal—consider using a third-party validator. That’s why we developed the Fields Required Validator, which checks the state of the whole issue during the transition. It validates the field regardless of whether it was filled during or before the transition.

Additionally, you can choose to validate up to ten fields within a single validator.

Last updated