Linked Issues Condition

Allows transition only if the linked issues, sub-tasks, epic's children, or parent issue are in the required state.

Use cases

Prevent closing an issue if all linked "is blocked by" issues are not closed
  1. Set Relation to Linked issues

  2. In Link types: select is blocked by

  3. In Status category: select Done

  4. (Optional) In Status: select explicitly which statuses are allowed, e.g. Closed

  5. (Optional) Check: At least one linked issue, as defined above, must exist if specified links are required.

Allow transition only if at least one sub-task is defined and all the sub-tasks are done
  1. Set Relation to Sub-tasks

  2. In Status category: select Done

  3. Check: At least one sub-task, as defined above, must exist

Prevent transition of an epic if there are open issues underneath it
  1. Set Relation to Children

  2. In Status category: select Done

Allow transition of an epic only if all children of type Bug are in the Investigated status
  1. Set Relation to Children

  2. In Issue types: select Bug

  3. In Statuses: select Investigated

Allow transition only if an epic has at least one child
  1. Set Relation to Children

  2. Check: At least one child issue, as defined above, must exist

Allow story in an epic transition only if the epic is in progress
  1. Set Relation to Parent

  2. In Status category: select In progress

Last updated